The memorial museum dedicated to the great Romanian political figure Aurel Lazar is located in the same house where he used to live, a building with great historical value rendered by the fact that on 12th of October, 1918 Declaration of National Independence of Romanian people from Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures was signed.

In 1989, the building entered public heritage as a historical monument. after serious restoration works, on 1st of December 2008 the Memorial Museum opened its gates to the visitors.

The museum presents a collection of authentic furniture, art and books, family photos that used to belong to the Lazăr family, most of which were donated by the daughter-in-law, Mrs. Valentina Lazăr.

A part of the exhibition consists of eclectic furniture, one of which, a chair with black armrests, according to  Mrs. Valentina Lazăr, used to be part of the desk where the Declaration of Independence from Oradea was written. The photos presented in the exhibition show his family, his son, Liviu Lazăr and other family members, his parents and also scenes from Aurel Lazăr’s funeral.

Another important piece is the 3 doors eclectic drawer containing volumes that have on their first page Aurel Lazăr’s ex-libris, attesting that they used to belong to him.

The museum has five exhibition rooms, three of which present significant moments in Aurel Lazăr’s life and career as an important political figure while reconstructing the feeling of those times. The other two rooms are meant for temporary exhibitions.

In the building’s courtyard there is another room where cultural or scientific event are being organized periodically (art exhibitions, symposiums, book releases etc.)

Aurel Lazăr s-a născut în anul 1872 la Oradea, într-o familie de intelectuali, tatăl său fiind avocat. Urmînd cariera tatălui, la rîndul său, devine avocat şi doctor în ştiinţe juridice.

 Personalitate marcantă a vieţii cultural-politice orădene, acesta s-a implicat cu dăruire şi înaltă competenţă, în procesul de constituire şi consolidare a României Mari. A reprezentat cercul electoral Aleşd la Marea Adunare Naţională de la Alba Iulia din 1 Decembrie 1918, unde s-a consfinţit unirea tuturor românilor din Transilvania, Banat, Crişana şi Maramureş cu patria mamă, România.

Aurel Lazăr was born in 1872 in Oradea, in a family of intellectuals, his father being a lawyer. Following the father’s career, he becomes a lawyer and is awarded a PhD in legal sciences.

A striking personality of the cultural-political life of Oradea, he was involved with dedication and high competence in the process of establishing and consolidating Greater Romania. He represented the Aleşd electoral circle at the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia in December 1st, 1918, where the union of all Romanians from Transylvania, Banat, Crişana and Maramures with the mother country, Romania was established.

Elected a member of the Grand National Council, Aurel Lazăr also becomes a member of the Governing Council, the provisional government in which he holds the position of Ministry of Justice.

The great politician was involved in the difficult actions targeting the inclusion  of Transylvania in the Romanian political and cultural structures after 1918, holding many important positions: vice-president of the Assembly of Deputies, president of the National Peasant Party, branch of Bihor (from 1926), cultural vice-president “The Three Crişuri”, mayor of Oradea municipality.

Another important fact is that between December 6, 1940 – November 1, 1943, the Consulate of the Kingdom of Romania, led by diplomat Mihai Marina used to be based in Aurel Lazăr’s house.

He died on November 18, 1930, at the age of 58.

Photo gallery


13, Aurel Lazăr Street, P.C.: 410043 Oradea, Bihor tel.: 0259/442 112; 0771 741 881, e-mail:

Museum visiting hours

MONDAY – closed;

APR 1st – OCT 31st: 10.00AM – 6.00PM NOV 1st – MAR 31st: 9.00AM – 5.00PM

Last entry is 30 minutes before closing time.

Ticket prices:

Adults: 10 lei

Children over 4 years old, students, retired: 5 lei

Guiding: 10lei/adult, 5lei/child.


Free entry for children smaller than 4 years old, children in foster care, war veterans, disabled, currently employed or former employees of the museum network.